Baron Longford Baron Annaly - Feudal Barons

Lonford Barony EagleCrossCrownHammer  Branden Irish_norse-CoinBlondelCrestMeath Normandy  LongfordSealHeader



Captain of the Sleughtwilliam - Annaly - Chief - Sleaught William

The Captain Princes of Annaly

Definition:  A Captaincy or Captainship is equivalent to a Chief of a Nation or Country with the title of Clan Leader and usually was offered to Princes or Clan Leaders as a Grant of a Territory larger than a Count's County or barony. These captaincies were offered in the 12th-1600s but may have been phased out after that where dukedoms or Earl Titles began being granted. Captainships are very rare and rarely aquired except by inheritance or special legal conveyance.

Grant of The Clan Liam or Annaly Captainship -  Custody (  Chieftancy )  - Grant by Queen Elizabeth I in 1565 or Grant of the Slewght William (Mostrim)  in the Annaly to Baron Delvin ( Irish Kingdom of South Teffia ) - also spelled Sleuaght William or Slewghte William in the Annaley. These rights of honor of the ancient Longford-Annaly were sold by Earl Westmeath/Lord Baron Delvin in 1996, and are now owned by the Seigneur of Fief Blondel of Guernsey. 

Annaly was not shired into Longford County until 1586.  Faghan O'Farrell made a secondary formal surrender to Queen Elizabeth in 1587 and a year later obtained a regrant. In all probability the original chief towns or North Teffia and South Teffia were Granard and Ardagh, respectively, but it is more than probable that Granard was at all times an important place in the county.

Sleughtwilliam (Mostrim parish) including Edgeworthstown & Ardagh

Baron Delvin receives the Captaincy of the Slewght William of Annaly or Clanwilliam (Irish: Clan Liam) in 1565.  Baron Delvin is Anglo-Norman-Irish and a descendant of Irish Kings.

1) This Captainry grant is a charter from the Crown and is a patent or title of Captaincy or Captainship.
2) This Captaincy is of Annaly which is an ancient Kingdom and pertains to Clanwilliam (Irish: Clan Liam)
3) Local tribes have abolished their own Chiefships in the Annaly, and these titles were regranted by the Crown.
4) This Captainship is also over the Sleught William or Clan William of Annaly.  The Captainships were also known as Seigneurie or territories owned by a Lord.
5) The Title of Captain or Chief with Custody rights of the region is historically related to being the Lord, Chief,  or Prince of the region and clan.
6) The historical captainship exists beyond the Kings and Queens of England as the Nation of Ireland is independent and surely recognizes indigenous history and rights.
7) In various instances, a Captaincy is in charge of a Castle or Caput and a nation or country, and the Captain seems to have the noble rank of Prince or Earl or Baron. 
8) Many scholars on nobility are not familiar with Captainships as they were prominent in the 1400s and 1500s, but may have evolved into titles of Chiefs, Earldoms or Prince Titles after King James.

Total ANNALY Surrender by Lord Prince O"Farrel of his chief and captainship of country of Longford was in the 19th year of Queen Elizabeth around 1588. The Chief and Captainship does not appear to have been regranted back to O'Farrel. The Lords of Delvin of (County Longford) received the grant of the Captainship of the Clan Liam or Slewght William of the Annaly

A sliocht is a branch of a race or clan and is considered a "Gaelic or Irish TRIBE" and the descendants of the name,  but is also a gaelic word that is synonomous with the word sept used in relation to the Chieftancy of a Country. The word spelling of "Slut" , "Slute", "Sleught", or 'Slewght"  is also seen in Irish History books.  


The county was officially shired in 1586 in the reign of Elizabeth I from the northern portion of Westmeath, but English control was not fully established until the aftermath of the Nine Years' War. The Abbey of Ardagh, founded by St. Patrick, or by St. Mel, in the fifth century.

Captain or Captaincy or Chief of a Barony or Country is a historical title and designation afforded by the Sovereign See Examples Here or Captaincy of a Region or Clan

Captainships came with much value of about 100 Pounds Sterling with duties custody and rule over a Nation or Country such as Annalye or Annaly.  The captaincys of the local population were abolished by statute, and regranted to loyal lords and barons and princes. These Grants and Patents of captainships seemed to have been a much coveted title to receive during the 1500s and 1600s from the King or Queen of England with a Nobility equivalency to a Prince, Earl Count Feudal Title.

Ardagh - was formed from the territory of Sleughtwilliam (Mostrim parish), the territory of Clangillernan (Templemichael), and from part of the church lands in the parishes of Ardagh and Ballymacormick.

Grant by the Queen Elizabeth to Lord Delvin CHRISTOPHER NUGENT  - Nov 22, 1565:  - Possessions and the captainship of Slewaght (Ardagh Diocese) within the Analy were granted to Lord Devlin in 1565. (Morrin, i, 500), (Med. religious houses, Ire., 172) the Abbey of All Saints, and the custody or captainship of Slewaght within the Analy. on Nov 22, 1565

Edgeworthstown or Mostrim is a small town in County Longford, Ireland. The town is in the east of the county, near the border with County Westmeath. Nearby towns are Longford 12 km to the west, Mullingar 26 km to the east, Athlone 40 km to the south and Cavan 42 km to the north.  Wikipedia


Ardagh- was formed from the territory of Sleughtwilliam (Mostrim parish), the territory of Clangillernan (Templemichael), and from part of the church lands in the parishes of Ardagh and Ballymacormick.

Grant by the Queen Elizabeth to Lord Delvin CHRISTOPHER NUGENT  - Nov 22, 1565:  - Possessions and the captainship of Slewaght (Ardagh Diocese) within the Analy were granted to Lord Devlin in 1565. (Morrin, i, 500), (Med. religious houses, Ire., 172) the Abbey of All Saints, and the custody or captainship of Slewaght within the Analy. on Nov 22, 1565

The Ardagh diocese is entirely within the Republic of Ireland  and contains most of counties Longford  and Leitrim  with parts of counties  Cavan  ,  Offaly  ,  Roscommon  ,  Sligo  and Westmeath  . The main towns in the diocese are  Athlone  ,  Ballymahon  , Carrick-on-Shannon  , Edgeworthstown  , Granard  and Longford

Roman Catholic Diocese of Ardagh map.png




Queen Elizabeth 

This Grant was made before Annaly/Longford was separated from Westmeath. In the 1550s, the Queen Elizabeth  abolished the Captains and regranted under Common law.  The Delvin Captainship was issued by patent in 1565.



Citation - Christopher Nugent Lord Delvin - Custody Captainship of Sleaught William

  Captainship Citation



CaptainShip Another Definition


Citation of Captainship Click Here





Moiety of Ardagh to Baron Delvin in County Lonford




Moiety  is a Middle English word for one of two equal parts under the feudal system  .  [4]  Thus on the death of a feudal baron  or lord of the manor  without a male heir (the eldest of whom would inherit all his estates by the custom of male primogeniture  ) but with daughters as heiresses, a  moiety  of his fiefdom  would generally pass to each daughter, to be held by her husband. This would involve the division of the barony, generally consisting of several manors, into two or more groups of manors, which division would presumably be effected by negotiation between the parties concerned. Such was the case in the barony of Newmarch, the   caput  or chief manor of which was at North Cadbury  , Somerset, when James de Newmarch died in 1216; had no son but left two co-heiresses, Isabel and Hawise, who being heirs of a tenant-in-chief  became wards of the king. [5]



Captainships and Seignorys Citation for Below


Court Baron - Castle Lissenoannagh -

IX. 29.-—“ Grant under the commission for the plantation of Longford. to Thomas Nugent.—Longford County. The town and lands of Corroboymore, Correyboybegg, Aghenteskin, Carrickmacinleney, Fyermore, Aghencownalle, alias Aghenitanvally, Lissenuske, Killoge, Keallragh, Clennenegenny, Lenemore, and Corlukillog, 643a. pasture, and 46a. bog and wood, excepting thereout the lands of Ballenegoshenagh, 96a., and Ballygarnett, 296a. pasture, and 43a. bog and wood ; Cornemow, 50a. pasture, and 6a. bog and wood, barony of Longford; the castle and lands of Lissenoannagh, 113a. pasture, and 24a. bog and wood, barony of Granard ; Clonedarramner and Annaghguillen, 32a. pasture, and 298a. bog and wood; Clonfelym, Clonynbegg, Diryushy, and Derrycullin, 30a. pasture, and 137a. bog and wood, barony of Longford. To hold i n capite, by military service ; rent for the l,164a. pasture, £12 2s. 6d., Engl., and for the 554a. bog and wood, 11s. 6%d. Those lands created the manor of Correboymore, with court leet and view of frank-pledge and court baron; with power to appoint seneschals and other oflicers, with jurisdiction in all actions for covenant and trespass where the damages do owt exceed 40a., Ir.; with power to make tenures; to have free warren; to enjoy all escheats. 


* Historical note: In 1221 Walter de Lacy built the Castle at Lanesborough which is a few miles from Ardagh.



To Gerard Nugent — The castle, town and lands of Lissagheneden, Killeoge and Aghnegeeragh, 372a. pasture, 76a. bog and wood, excepting 40a. pasture and 20a. moor, near BalKnrye, lately assigned to Shane O'Ferrell; Leackan, 154a. pasture and 82a. bog and wood ; Cranelaghes, 18a., barony of Ardagh ; Ballinegossanagh, in Correboy, 19a.; Gurtincaslane, 19a., barony of Longford; rent for the pasture land, £6 7s. lid., Bnglish, and for the bog and wood, 5s. 9d. 



 Longford Parishes




A Survey of Tullaroan, Or Graces Parish, in the Cantred of Graces Country ... - Sheffield Grace - Google Books




This above is a grant of Captainship and rule over the Nation or Country of Clan Richard or the Earlship of ClanRicard.

Calendar of State Papers: Preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth ... - Google Books



Above, they reference the abolotion of the Captainship of Annelye of Oferroll Bane.

Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, Preserved in the Archepiscopal Library at ... - Google Books







 Grant of CaptainShip and Custody to Lord Delvin of the Clan in the Annaly (Longford County was not shired until 1580s...)


Slewaght is a Gaelic word for Clan which implies the Grant of a Chief Title or Princely Title


In 1543, King Henry VIII granted Captainship or Seigneurie of Nation of Thomond to Obriens




Grant by King James of Captainship of the Country of Wicklow region to Harringtons and Byrnes Clan






The chieftainship was the traditional leadership role in many Irish clans. The chieftain, or "rí," was the highest-ranking member of the clan and was responsible for leading the clan in matters of war, diplomacy, and law for the country or nation. The chieftain was often a hereditary position, passed down through the male line of the clan. However, the succession was not always clear-cut, and there were often disputes or challenges to the leadership.

Tanistry was a system of succession used by some Irish clans to choose their chieftain. Under tanistry, the chieftain was chosen from among the eligible candidates within the clan, usually a close relative of the current chieftain. The selection process often involved consultation with other members of the clan, and the chosen candidate would then serve as the chieftain until their death or retirement.

Today, while many Irish clans continue to exist, their leadership roles and governance structures have evolved with the times, and traditional roles like chieftainship and tanistry are generally not used in a formal capacity. However, these historical terms remain an important part of Irish cultural and historical heritage.

The titles of nobility granted to Irish chiefs were often created specifically for them, and were distinct from the existing English peerage. These titles were usually granted in recognition of loyalty to the Crown, military service, or other forms of public service. The most common titles granted to Irish chiefs were baronets, barons, viscounts earldoms or higher titles.

The granting of titles of nobility was intended to encourage Irish chiefs to adopt English customs and to become more fully integrated into English society. It also helped to create a new Anglo-Irish aristocracy that would be more loyal to the Crown and more supportive of English rule in Ireland.

However, the relationship between Irish chiefs and the English Crown was complex and often contentious. Many Irish chiefs resented English attempts to subjugate them, and some resisted efforts to integrate them into English society. Others, however, saw the granting of titles of nobility as a way to secure their own power and status, and worked actively to promote English interests in Ireland.

"Sliocht" is an Irish word that means "progeny" or "offspring". In Irish culture, it has been traditionally used to refer to the descendants of a particular person or family, such as the sliocht of a particular clan or chieftain.

In the context of Irish genealogy, "sliocht" is often used to trace family lineages and connections. For example, a person might be described as the "sliocht" of a famous warrior or saint, indicating their familial connection to that person and their importance within their community.

Today, the term "sliocht" is less commonly used in everyday language, but it still holds an important place in Irish cultural history and genealogy.

"Sleught William" or "Sliocht Liam" is a term that may refer to the descendants of William Burke, who was a 16th-century Irish chieftain. The Burke family was a prominent and powerful family in Irish history and played a significant role in the politics and conflicts of the time.

The term "Sleught William" is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the descendants of William Burke who settled in the province of Connacht in western Ireland. Today, many people with Burke ancestry still use the term "Sleught William" to identify their family lineage.

It's worth noting that the spelling of this term may vary depending on the source or context, and you may also see it spelled as "Sliocht William" or "Sliocht Liam".

Yes, captainships in Annaly (also known as Anghaile or Annalye) were granted by the English monarchs during the 16th and 17th centuries. Annaly was a territory in the Irish midlands that encompassed parts of what is now County Longford and County Westmeath.

Under the English Crown's "surrender and regrant" policy, Irish chieftains and nobility were granted titles and lands in exchange for their loyalty to the English monarch. In Annaly, the O'Farrell family, who were one of the Gaelic rulers of the region, were granted the captainship of part of the Annaly by Queen Elizabeth I in 1583. The captainship conferred certain privileges and responsibilities, including the right to collect taxes and maintain law and order in the area.

Over time, the captainship of Annaly was held by a number of different families, including the Farrells, the Dowdalls, and the Terrels. The title continued to be recognized by the English Crown until the 17th century, when it was abolished as part of broader reforms to the Irish feudal system.

A captaincy of a clan is a term used in Ireland or Scotland to refer to a position of leadership within a clan. The captaincy was traditionally held by the head of the clan, who was responsible for leading and protecting their clan. In some cases, the captaincy could also be held by a close relative or trusted advisor of the chief.

The role of the captaincy varied depending on the specific clan and historical context, but it typically involved overseeing military , managing the clan's resources and finances, and acting as a mediator or diplomat in disputes with other clans. The captaincy was an important position within the nation of the clan, and it was often hereditary, passing from father to son or another designated heir.

Today, while many clans continue to exist, the role of the captaincy has largely been superseded by modern forms of clan leadership and governance. However, the term "captaincy of a clan" is still used in historical and cultural contexts to refer to this traditional leadership role.


 The "Captainship of the Slewghte William in the Annaley"  refers to the position of military commander or governor of the area around Slieve Bawn, also known as Slewghte William, in County Longford, Ireland. Slieve Bawn was historically significant because it was the site of several important battles during the medieval period, including the Battle of Sleughtwilliam in 1567.

Queen Elizabeth I granted the Captaincy and Custody of Annaly (later County Longford), also known as the Clan Liam, to Baron Delvin of Family Nugent in 1565. This grant gave Nugent significant authority and control over the area, including the power to maintain order and administer justice. It is possible that Nugent or other members of the Nugent family held the Captainship of the Slewghte William in addition to their broader authority over Annaly.

The Lordship of Meath was an extensive seigneurial liberty in medieval Ireland that was awarded to Hugh de Lacy by King Henry II of England by the service of fifty knights and with almost royal authority. The Lordship was roughly co-extensive with the medieval kingdom of Meath with the most Western portion including the Kingdoms of Annaly, Breifne, and Hi Many, and Conmaiche.

Sleughtwilliam, also known as Slieve Bawn or Slievrue, is a hill located in County Longford, Ireland. It is part of the Slieve Bawn mountain range and is situated in the southern part of the county, near Lough Ree.

Sleughtwilliam is historically significant because it was the site of a major battle between the forces of the Gaelic O'Farrell clan and the English army of Sir Henry Sidney in 1567. The battle was a significant defeat for the O'Farrells, who lost many men and were forced to retreat from the area. The defeat also helped to solidify English control over the area around Sleughtwilliam and contributed to the gradual consolidation of English authority in Ireland.

The Battle of Knockdoe took place on 13 August 1567, between the forces of the Gaelic O'Farrell clan and the English army of Sir Henry Sidney. The battle was fought near Knockdoe Castle, in County Sligo, Ireland. The O'Farrells were led by Hugh Roe O'Farrell, while the English were led by Sidney. The O'Farrells were initially successful in the battle, but the English eventually rallied and won the day. The O'Farrells were heavily defeated, with many of their leaders killed. The battle marked the end of the O'Farrells' power in Connacht. The battle was a major turning point in the English conquest of Ireland. It demonstrated that the English could could control the center of Ireland deep into the Pale into Westmeath and Annaly , and it also paved the way for the English to consolidate their control over Connacht.

The battle also had a significant impact on the O'Farrell clan. The clan's top leaders were killed, and the clan's power was broken. The clan never recovered from the defeat, and it eventually fell into obscurity as the crown appointed new Captains and Chiefs of the region.

A grant of Captainship and Custody is similar to a chieftainship in that both refer to a position of authority and leadership in a particular area or community. In both cases, the individual holding the position would be responsible for maintaining order and security in the area, as well as defending against potential threats or attacks.

In Ireland, chieftainship was a traditional system of governance that existed prior to the arrival of the English in the country. Under this system, a clan or tribe was led by a chieftain, who was responsible for maintaining the well-being and security of the community. The chieftainship was typically hereditary, passing from father to son, and was based on a complex system of kinship ties and social structures.

When the English arrived in Ireland, they sought to impose their own legal and administrative structures on the country, which often led to conflict with the traditional Irish systems of governance. The grant of Captainship and Custody was one way in which the English sought to exert control over the country, by granting specific individuals authority over particular areas or territories.

While the systems of chieftainship and Captainship and Custody were distinct from each other in terms of their origins and cultural context, they both reflect the importance of leadership and authority in maintaining order and security in a particular community or area.

The chief of Clann William of Annaly was William O'Ferrall. He was the lord of Annaly, or Longford, and he died in 1445. He was the son of Cathal O'Ferrall, who was the chief of Clann William before him.

Queen Elizabeth I granted the Captaincy and Custody of Annaly, also known as the Clan Liam, to Baron Delvin/ Christopher Nugent, who was the 6th Baron Delvin in 1565. The Nugent family were an Anglo-Norman family who had settled in Ireland in the 12th century, and Nugent was a prominent member of the Irish family and descendant of Irish Kings who served as a military commander and administrator in Ireland.

The grant of the Captaincy and Custody of Annaly gave Nugent significant authority and control over the area, including the power to maintain order and administer justice. It also gave him the ability to collect taxes and other revenues from the local population. This grant was part of a broader English effort to consolidate control over Ireland and to impose English legal and administrative structures on the country.

Clan Liam, also known as Annaly, was an important region in medieval and early modern Ireland. The area roughly corresponds to present-day County Longford, and it was historically significant because it was a stronghold of the O'Farrell clan, who were one of the most powerful Irish clans, Kings, and Princes in the region.

During the medieval period, the O'Farrells ruled over a large territory that included much of Annaly and parts of neighboring counties. They were known for their fierce independence and resistance to English control, and they played a significant role in many of the political and military conflicts that occurred in the region during this time.

In the 16th century, as English control over Ireland began to increase, the O'Farrells were gradually displaced from their lands in Annaly, and English settlers began to move into the area. The grant of the Captaincy and Custody of Annaly to Baron Delvin or Nugent Family in 1565 was part of this broader English effort to consolidate control over the region and impose English legal and administrative structures on the area.

Despite this, the Clan Liam or Annaly continued to be an important region in Ireland, and it played a role in many of the political and military conflicts that occurred in the country over the centuries. Today, the region is home to a diverse population and a rich cultural heritage, and it remains an important part of the social, economic, and political landscape of Ireland.

The chief clans of the Conmacne were the MacRannals, MacDonoughs, O'Duignans and the O'Farrells. They were princes of Annaly, their chief seat noted as being at Longford town, called in Irish, 'Longphort Uí Fhearghail', which translates as O'Farrell's Fortress. This same town rights to Market and Fair and Courts were also granted to Baron Delvin.

Farrell Prince Annaly Clan Citation





Description of Ardagh and Sleught William Regions

The county of 'Longford, vhich is chiefly occupied by the diocese of Ardagh, is divided into the baronies of Granard, Ardagh, Longford, Moydow, Rathcline and Shrule, and not only were the ancient meares and bounds of the county, but the contents of each barony, ascertained by an inquisition taken in this year : it is observed in this instrument that the baronies of Leitrim, Mobill and Carrigallon, which are now reputed part of the county of Leitrim, did formerly constitute a part of this county. The barony of Granard was found anciently to consist of the territories of Clanshane and Slewcarberie, in the former of these territories were the abbey lands of Larha,containing eighteen; Inchemore, fifteen ; and Cloghballinemanagh, six cartrons ; and the termon lands of Clonebrony, containing eight ; and those of Granardekill twocartrons.

The barony of Aidagh consisted of the territories of Sleughtwilliam, Ballymacormick and others, within this barony there were the church lands of Glan, containing four cartrons ; Ardbaghell, one; Baornegaolle, one; Baorneclaghtikewo, two; Crosse, two ; Cornan, one ; Ballywalter, one ; Lysneskeaghe, one ; Ardnyskine, one ; Templemichell, one and a half ; and in Ardaghe, one-the abbey-lands of Ballinesegarte, containing two cartrons, which belonged to the nunnery of Ballintegarte the termon-lands of Ballinruddye and Boghermore, each containing two cartrons - and the following lands belonging to the dean of Ardagh, viz : Moragan, two cartrons ; Lysemiske, one ; and in Ardagh, one. The barony of Longford consisted of the territories of Clan-Hugh and Moytra ; in the former of these were seven acres of glebe-land belonging to the church of Killoe, and one acre in Newton belonging to the same; and in the latter, were the abbey- lands of Longford, con. taining one cartron ; the termon · lands of Clonedarragh, containing four; and the glebe-lands of the church of Clonegisse, containing one fourth of a cartron in Clonegisse and four acres in Longford called Lysvicdegauge. --The barony of Moydow consisted of the territories of Clanawly, and parts of other territories ; in Clanawly, were the termon-lands of Cloneogherye, containing nine cartrons-the


abbey-lands of Derge, containing ten and a half; and the glebes of Killishee and Moydow, each of these glebes consisted of one cartron, which belonged to the res. pective vicars of the churches of Killishee and Moydow. The barony of Rathcline consisted of the territories of Callow and part of Clanconnor, in the former of these were the following abbey-lands, viz: Caronullan, Carrowdromenise, Dirrenegal. laghe, Carowclarishe, Ballereoghe, Carowbege, Carowmore, Carowniclonaghe, Carowntedye, and Cashell, each containing one quarter ; Shrowher, one cartron ; Ballyneheuse, two quarters ; and the two quarters belonging to Incheloghlen ; and also, one cartron of glebe land, which belonged to the vicar of the church of Rathcline ; and in the latter there was, among others, a cartron of land called) Kildachanoge, and certain church-land belonging to the said Kildachamoge. The barony of Shrule consisted of a part of the territories of Moybrawne, Clanconnor and Mountergalgan ; in the first of these there were twenty cartrons of the abbey. lands of Shrule ; and in the last of them, one cartron of glebe-land, called

Aghanahaglis, belonging to the church of Agharow. see Inquisition 1614, GRANARD, AND STREET. — The castle, of Granard was found in this year to have

been leased to Francis Shane, knt. for a term of years, and a quarter of the Do, minicans lands, to which belonged the rectory of Granari ; there was appendant to this rectory a chapel of ease, called Clowneballema‘arnan, in the county of Cavan. Sir Francis Shạne had also a lease of the rectory of Surade, alias Street, lying partly in the county of Longford, and partly in that of Westmeath ; and of those of Shrowell, Külacamock, Moydowe, Kilnashee, Tashevat, Tasbeene, Clonchies, Templemichell, Kilglasse, and Ballincarmick, with three cartrons of land, in the Breanow, and the wood of the Breanow and Strother, all which rec.

tories and cartrons of land belonged to the priory of Loughseudy. see  Inrolment. 1634. RATHREA, AND A HARAGH.— The former of these rectories was found, by inquisition

taken in this year, to extend into the lands of Rareagh, Corfobullaghes, Kossart, A ghencasslan, alias Cloghigin,   alias Sillianreagh, Aghneskeoghe, Kynarde, Lorgge, alias Lurge, Tonebegge, alias Skervin, Cargin, Agbnevenchor, Aghen. evelge, alias Aghoneveloge, Kilincroobagh, Aghinekilly, Aghanderry, Cloghgare, Rath, Cordarragh, and Sillianmagoy, in the county of 1.ongford--and the rectory of Aghary, alias Atharry, hodie A haragh; to extend into the townlands of Athary, Ardanragh, Lissevarruffe, Cleduffe, Ballymacshane, Caltraghmanus,

Lisscormuck and Tinelagh.see Inquisition.1638. SEE-ESTATE-Grant in pure alms to the bishop of Ardagh and his successors of four quarters and a halt' of Fenagh ; five, of Cloone; two, of Kiltaughourke; the half cartron of Aghanecrosse ; the two quarters of Kiltubrid ; the two, of Killerry; and the quarters of Anpaghdufre and Killenemuiry. It appears by letters patent dated the 26th of February, in the seventeenth year of James the first, that bis Majesty had intended, on the plantation of the county of Leitrim, to assign these lands to the bishop of Ardagh, in lieu of which the bishop had covenanted for himself and his successors, to release to his clergy of the said county thequartaparsepiscopalis; but as the bishop of that day neglected to pass patent, pursuant to said letters, an application was made by bishop Richardson to King Charles the first, who, on the 24th July 1631, and 8th April 1633, directed these lands to be granted to the bishop, pursuant to the intentions of his father in this matter. This measure was however retarded by a former order of the council-board of the 17th March 1616, whereupon the King, by his letters of the 21st June 1636, ordered this grant to pass. The grant appears to have taken effect in 1638.pursuant to the tenor of a certificate made by the commissioners for remedy of defective

titles, dated 10th May 1637, contirmed by the lord deputy and Council. 1698. KILTOGHARD.--The ancient parish church of Kiltohorke, alias Kiitoghard, in the

barony and county of Leitrim, being situate in an uninbabited and remote part of the parish ; it was made lawful, as Carrick-drumruske in the said parish and barony was an english corporation and wholly inhabited by Protestants, and therefore convenient for the situation of the said parish church, to build the parish church at a convenient place in the town of Carrick-drumruske, the ground for the site of the church and church-yard having been set apart for the purpose, by sir George St. George, of Hedford, bart. v. 9. 1723, SHRULE.-- The site of the parish-church of Shrule removed, with the required con.

sent, to the town of Ballymahon. Citation 



Citation Sleught William Territory Boundaries


The said territorie of Sleughtwilliam contayneth these severall parcells of lands, chargeable as aforesaid, Kistefintine 2 cartrons, Blightoge 2 cartrons, Lisrian 2 cartrons, Ballow 1 cartron, Malliaghe i cartron, Mongiholehane i-cartron, Ballaghgowlye 1 cartron, Frighan 1 cartron, Clonetonnye 2 cartrons, Corry 1 cartron, Cooleamberbeg 1 cartron, Freaghmyn 1 cartron, Clonekaghe 1 cartron, Leaughill 1 cartron, Monedarragh 1 cartron, Kilsallagh 1 cartron, Cammane 1 cartron, Lisnegrisie cartron, Lisemire i cartron, Barnye 1 cartron, Tomedoochan 2 cartrons, Tymynar 1 cartron, Camliske 2 cartrons, Lackan 1 cartron, Bracklonye 4 cartrons, Cartroreoghe 1 cartron, Kilkerry , cartron, Lismagonine § cartron, Rossmyn 1 cartron, Ewkyne 1 cartron, Mollengihie 1 cartron, Goohurte 1 cartron, Cranalaghe 1 cartron, Motenvally I cartron, Rowinevennye 1 cartron, Kaloghe 1 cartron, Roanyne 1 cartron, Lagharde 1 cartron, Lysnegeraghe 1 cartron, Masetrome 1 cartron, Aghnetorrye 1 cartron, Aghedonowchow 1 cartron, Kaltragh 1 cartron, Corrclaraghe 1 cartron, Rowengaronye j cartron, & Motevarde i cartron.—The said territorie of Clangillernon containeth these severall parcells of lande, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Lysnemuckye 1 cartron, Liserlettye 1 cartron, Monyhoman I cartron, Člonrase 1 cartron, Criaghduffe 1 cartron, Coolehenchie 1 cartron, Liscolle 1 cartron, two Gortnehassaghes 1 cartron, Omorryfadda l cartron, Ballymacwilliam 2. cartrons, Cartroncapull

. 1 cartron, Lysnedaraghe and Aghlynagh 1 cartron, Corduffie 1 cartron, Killinlassartagh 4 cartrons, Coolle-Ishill 2 cartrons, Greallaghe and Dromlogher 1 cartron, Clonkafill 1 cartron, & Lysnesilaghe 1 cartron.— The territorie of Ballymaccormick contains 8 cartrons, all free lande ensuinge, viz. the territorie of Corbegg containeth these 8 cartrons of free lands,. viz. Ballymackigan 3 cartrons, Slake 1 cartron, Knockuck 1 cartron, Lismac-Iver 1 cartron, & Farnaghe 2 cartrons.— Ther are diverse other free lands in the said barony dispersed in severall parts, viz. Ballinrye 2 cartrons, Ravalldrine 1 cartron, Lysaghnedine 4 cartrons, Raholrade 3 cartrons, Drombane 1 cartron, Lysfralloghteraghe 1 cartron, Lysfralleighteragh 2 cartrons, Clonearde 2 cartrons, Lyserdowly 4 cartrons, Clonecosvye 1 cartron, Coolennye 2 cartrons, Clewraghe 1 cartron, Fearaghafadda 2 cartrons, Coolekagh 2 cartrons, Tonegarvogen 1 cartron, and also 3 cartrons of Longforde in the south side of the river. Ther is certaine church lande within the said barronie, yiz. Glan containeing 4 cartrons, Ardbaghell 1 cartron, Baornegaolle 1 cartron, Baorneclaghtikewo 2 cartrons, Crosse 2 cartrons, Cornan 1 cartron, BallyWalter 1 cartron, Lysneskeaghe 1 cartron, Ardnyskine 1 cartron, in Ardage 1 cartron, & Templemichell 15 cartrón; and also abbay lande, viz. Ballinesegarte 2 cartrons, belonginge to the nunnerye of Ballintegarte ; and also termon lande, viz. Ballinruddye 2 cartrons, & Boghermore 2 cartrons ; and also lands belonginge to the dean of Ardage, viz. Moragan 2 cartrons, Lysemiske 1 cartron, and i cartron in Ardaghe. Ther is within the said barronie 12 cartrons of lande chargeable to the rent grant to sir Nicholas Malby, and to the said rent belonginge to the mannor of Granarde, viz. Trilly 2 cartrons, Clonfynoghe 1 cartron, Lisdrynagh I cartron, Clonaghmore 1 cartron, Lyssacrossan 1 cartron, Aghadreassaghe 1 cartron, Carickostannell2 cartrons, Aghantillhan I cartron, Aghanasyoge 1 cartron & Aghancoslen i cartron.--The territorie of Farrireoghe contayneth these severall landschargeable with both rents as aforesaid, viz. Killyn 4 cartrons, viz. Cordoragh 1 cartron, Cargin 1 cartron, Derryderragh 1 cartron & Caltraghe & Kleygare 1 cartron ; Aghavanchure 2 cartrons, Clonetymolan 2 cartrons, Aghneveloge 1 cartron, Tawnaghbegge and Skarvan 1 cartron; Rathreoghe 4 cartrons, viz. Taghearde i cartron, Kenuarde 2 cartrons & Lurgaun 1 cartron; & Corrypubbowllaghe 2 cartrons.-There is in the

barronie of Longforde the severall territories of Clan-Hugh and Moytra.- The territorie of Clan-Hugh contayneth these severall parcells of lande chargeable with the rents as aforesaid, viz. Farmoyle 1 cartron, Leaght 1 cartron, Leggaghe 1 cartron, Dramarde 1 cartron, Corglas 1 cartron, Kilton 1 cartron, Clonevelly 2 cartrons, Nahanow 1 cartron, Eadene 1 cartron, Fasery 1 cartron, Glanmore 1 cartron, Groniskillan 1 cartron, Keltereaghe , cartron, Doory cartron, Corgarrye 1 cartron, Geagie 1 cartron, Littercullan 1 cartron, Litterkeragh-ennane i cartron, Littercannells cartron, Killmyhan cartron, Derrykelan 1 quarter, Bracklaghe 1 quarter, Esker 1 quarter, Dirolle i cartron, Dulrucke 1 cartron, Cornyhinshine cartron, Derrinecrossye l quarter, Barraghbegge 1 quarter, Barraghmore cartron, Breanroskillye 1 quarter, Melckan 1 quarter, Greaghe l} cartron, Minachill i cartron, Garrachill i cartron, Gortowonnye cartron, Gurtinoulye cartron, Clonetomocher 1 cartron, Cattan 1 cartron, Sowrore 1 cartron, Carreneddan į cartron, Dromnecahie 1 quarter, Derrylagban i quarter, Greme 1 quarter, Gurtincusban į quarter, Gurtindooehill quarter, Ehanbege , cartron, Dromlishe 5 quarters, Clo

nevacarte 5 quarters, Clonaghe 1 cartron, Coolenesee 1 cartron, Bawncully 1 cartron, Aghnemaddye 1 cartron, Ehanemore 1 care tron, Corlech s cartron, Clanye i quarter, Mokenaghmore i quarter, Dromhoghlie cartron, Knockegarran į quarter, Crivye

cartron, Lismoddie / cartron, Cornemoe cartron, Lysmore 1 cartron, Corrbegge 2 cartrons, Corrymore 2 cartrons, & Dromenebaye 1 quarter. In the territorie of Claughagh are these free lands following, Rean 1 cartron, Aghaboye 1 cartron, Kilnecarra

cartron, Gurtindoéchill quarter of a cartron, Kiltyerevaghe ģ cartron, Dromhoghly 14 quarter of a cartron, Knocknevan į quarter, Mockanaghbegge quarter, Killitter 1 quarter, Bare quarter, Clonebegge į quarter, Farragb 1 cartron & Ballygarrow 1 cartron.There is in the said countrie crowded certaine gleeb land, viz. Killoe 7 acres belonging to the church of Killoe, and one acre in Newton belonginge to the same. -The territorie of Moytra containeth these severall parcells, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghnegore 4 cartrons, Kilmore 3 cartrons, Ballymacbryen 3 cartrons, Ballykennye 2 cartrons, Tully 2 cartrons, Lysnemireloan 1 cartron, Aghoreoghe 1 cartron, Lysecloghan 1 cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Moylaghlogher 2 cartrons, Cartronkenye 2 cartrons, Lysmore 1 cartron, Monylaggan 1 cartron, Lysmealls 1 cartron, Monearde 1 cartron, Lewagh 1 cartron, Faghie 2 cartrons, Clonballyl cartron, Kahanagh 1 cartron, Cullaghe i cartron, Dorrikarra 1 cartron, Dromure 1 cartron, Crinaghe 1 cartron, Gurtmornyne 1 cartron, Garranecheill 1 cartron, Lyetryme 2 cartrons, Doocheill & Corvilan 1 cartron, Lisbracke lj cartron, Knoekannegle 1 cartron, Lyseboye 1 cartron, Carrige 1 cartron, Briskeill 1 cartron, Clonepraghluske 1 cartron, Clonetehie 2 cartrons, Lysgerneall & Shanclone 1 cartron and į quarter, Boherboye, Castletowne and Curraghboye 1 cartron, Lyslostie 3 quarters, Dronesihie 1 cartron and i quarter, Clonegisse 3 cartrons, Corrye 2 cartrons, Cooletonaghe and Caltraghe 1 cartron, Kellyn 1 cartron, Aghamonnaghe 1 care tron, Kelogmacgrorye 1 cartron, Toneleforiske 1 cartron, & Ballinluge 1 cartron.—The said territorie contayneth theis free lands following, Ballagh-Iknowlan 1 cartron, Clone-Illan 1 cartron, Breanrosse 1 cartron, Moygh į cartron, Dromnesihie cartron, Lyslostie 1 quarter, Ballincarran 16 cartrons, & Longford 3 cartrons.—Ther is in the said territorie certaine abbye lands, the abbye of Longforde 1 cartron thereunto belonging; also certaine corbor or termon lands, viz. Clonedarragh 4 cartrons; and certaine gleb lands, viz. in Clonegisse I cartron belonginge to the churche of Clonegisse, and 4 acres in Longford belonging to the same church called Lysvicdeganye.-The barrony of Moydow contayneth theis several territories followinge, Clanawly parte of Moybrawne, parte of Clangillernow & parte of Clanconnor of Muntergalgan.--The territory of Clanawlye contayneth certain parcells of land chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Clonefore 5 cartrons, Aghanekillye 1 cartron, Leynyneighteraghe 1 cartron, Leynynoghteraghe 2 cartrons, Bealnamore and Caltraghe 2 cartrons, Tullye 1 cartron, Cornalaghclone 1 cartron, Knockevagan i cartron, the Arde and Ballinknoicke 1 cartron, Bruckennye i cartron, Correlegan 1 cartron, Cloneannye 1 cartron, Carrowveanaghe 1 cartron, Coorgine 1 cartron, Mullodromode 1 cartron, Caltraghmore 1 cartron, Gurtinboye and Aghantraghe 1 cartron, Correclonecallye 3 cartrons, Toonebeggan 1 cartron, Triligbege 1 cartron, Clonekyne and Quillagharde 1 cartron, Clonryne and Dooclone 1 cartron, Clonedawde 1 cartron, Tonefyne 1 cartron, Clonekyre 3 cartrons, Corredirvyne 1 cartron, Ardbeg and Aghnehowoe cartron, & Dromodoghter 1 cartron.

-Ther are certaine free lands within the said barronie, viz. Bellaclare and Dromodeighter 2 cartrons, Dooclone and Cloneryne 1 cartron, & Clonemore 6 cartrons; certaine termon lande, viz. Cloneogherye 9 cartrons; and certain gleb lands, viz. Kilneshee 1 cartron belonging to the viccar of the churche of Killissye, Moydoo 1 cartron belonginge to the viccar of the church of Moydoo.-There are certaine abbaye lands, viz. the abbaye of Derge contayneth 104 cartrons.—Ther is within the said parte of Clangillornan these severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Corre- , derrye 2 cartrons, Bellacloghan 1 cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Criaghduffe 1 cartron, Cartronboggan í cartron, Cartronebrackye 1 cartron, Bawne 1 cartron, Agheknappagh 1 cartron, Derrymore 1 cartron, Lissetotan 1 cartron, Cartronkille 1 cartron, Cartrongarue 1 cartron, Gurtinnegloo 1 cartron, Glaslone 1 cartron, Aghennye 2 cartrons, Cartronevallye 1 cartron, Cartronegeraghe 1 cartron, Nadeverre 1 cartron, Clonemore 1 cartron, Keiloge-Irell i cartron, Graffoge, Tonelostran & Tonegrisaghe 1 cartron, Trilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe 1 quarter and ; quarter of a cartron.-The said territorie contayneth theis free lands, viz. Tooreallen I cartron, Aghedangin and 'I'rilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe and Knockan 1 cartron.—The parte of the territorie of Moybrawne contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaied, 'viz. Cannagh 4 cartrons, Corbally 2 cartrons, Mornyn 6 cartrons, Corrohobberhennyhie 1 cartron, Lysekitt 1 cartron, Largin 1 cartron, Cartroncriskill 1 cartron, Ballintobber 2 cartrons, Carrigedmonde 2 cartrons, Lislea 1 cartron, Keele I cartron, Killindoodye 1 cartron, & Kynagh 1 cartron. - The parte of Clan

reoghe 4 cartrons, Tullaghe 4 cartrons, Skyeaghan 4 cartróns, Tobbernarye 4 cartrons, Lyagan 4 cartrons, Ardanraghoghteraglı 4 cartrons, Ardanragheighteraghe 4 cartrons, Tenecrosse 1 cartron, Loggnaddye 1 cartron, Clegekynegh 1 cartron, & Tenueclabbachan 1 cartron.— The said territory contayneth some free lands, viz. Agharow and Lyssavarsa 8 cartrons; gleb land, viz. Aghanahaglis i cartron, belonging to the church of Agharow; and some free lande, viz. Tenebane 1 cartron.—17} cartrons, after 2 cartrons of small measure to a cartron, that is to say 35 small cartrons of Montergalgan belongeth to O'FARRALL'ban, his parte of the countrie, and chardgeable to the payment of both rents as aforesaid.-17] cartrons, of like measure, in Montergalgan belongeth to O'FARRALL boye's parte of the countrie, chardgable as aforesaid.


Longford 3 Oct 1623. EDW' NUGENT seis' fuit, de feod', de sepaľ vil, villat & campis de Castlenebrack, Killynefaye, Camaraghe, Laghill, Cola loge, Ilan[ ] & Marydarragh, ac etiam de medietat' vil & ter' de Shanclane id co' Longford', contin' p estimačon' 70 acr ter arrabil & pastur', pcell' plantačon' dict' co'; put p tras patent' Regis nunc gerent dat' 2 jun'an' regni 8, plen apparet, reddend' inde annuatim dicť Regi hered' & successor š 61. 7s. 5 d. ad fest šci Mich' & Pasch', p equal porčon', tenendut de castr' de Dub' in libo & comun’ soccag’, & non in capite.-pd’Edw' obiit.[ ] Nugent est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etať 22 annor' tempore mortis pris s.-Amiss' val' p an' 51.

Tempore CAR. I. Regis.

connor contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghneskeagh I cartron, Aghenlassye 1 cartron, Agbenkearben 1 cartron & Bcaledromo 1 cartron.-The parte of Mounterealgan contayneth theis lands followinge, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Ballibeg and Lanan 4 cartrons, Clonkyn 1 cartron, & Clonskott 2 cartrons. — The barony of Rathclyn consisteth of the severall territories followinge, viz. the Callow and parcell of Clanconnor. -The territorie of the Callow contayneth the severall parcells of land followinge, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Templepatricke 1 quarter, which maketh 4 cartrons of small measure, Knocke 1 quarter, Lysmakegan 1 quarter, Coolecroye 1 quarter, Cashellbege 1 quarter, Lysduffe 1 quarter, Corrowle 2 quarters, Lysmagert 1 quarter, Lyswilliam 1 quarter, Shanballytegell i quarter, Carowne. cargeboy 1 quarter, Lyerie 2 quarters, Carrownelorye 1 quarter, Carrowkille i quarter, Carowhobegan 1 quarter, Carowracline 1 quarter, Mollaghbracke 1 quarter, Carownetemple ! quarter, Carownecargie i quarter, Carownetorbin 1 quarter, Ballengurtine 1 quarter, Carowshencargine 2 quarters, Dyregawnae 1 quarter, Lysnecrosse 1 quarter, Cowletegall į quarter, Carowruo 1 quarter, Aghowloghon i quarter, Carowskeaghe 1 quarter, Carownedownegan 1 quarter, Carowneballeboye 1 quarter, Carowbolgannagh 1 quarter, Carownegyragh 1 quarter, Moykillteballan 2, quarters, Monemossenaghe 1 quarter, Drownecorre 4 quarters, Kiltebege 1 quarter, Formoyll 2 quarters, Lyssawlye 1 quarter, Cornadowe 2 quarters, Lysmoylle i quarter, Aghowaddan 1 quarter, Lysclaghe i quarter, Cabraghmore 1 quarter, Morneformoylle 1 quarter, Lysnegan 1 quarter, Syhanblevoer 1 quarter, Forkill 1 quarter, Kilnegartan 1 quarter, Carownefoill 1 quarter, and Cordarye 1 quarter.

-Ther are certain free lands within the said territorie, viz. Clonboynaghe 1 quarter, Kilnecaraghe and Fourchill 1 cartron, Tangae and Rathmore 1 quarter, Annagh į quarter, Clonkyne 1 quarter, Mogeelt quarter, Bellare 1 cartron, and Faslongarte , quarter:Ther is within the said territorie certaine abbaye lands, viz. Ca. ronullan 1 quarter, Carowdromenise 1 quarter, Dirrenegallaghe 1 quarter, Carowclarishe 1 quarter, Ballereoghe 1 quarter, Carowbege 1 quarter, Carowmore 1 quarter, Carownclonaghe 1 quarter, Carowntedye 1 quarter, Cashell 1 quarter, Srowher 1 cartron, & Ballynehense 2 quarters, the 2 quarters belongeth to Incheloghlen, and is in the possession of Sir Patrick Barnewall, and certaine glebe lands, viz. Rathclyne 1 cartron, belonginge to the viccar of the church of Rathclyn.— The parcell of the territorie of Clanconor contayneth theis severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Moylackan 6 cartrons, Rossarte 2 cartrons, Glanmore 4 cartrons, Kynaghe 1 cartron, Lachoill 2 cartrons, Crighe 1 cartron, Cartronvarre 1 cartron, Monysillaghe 1 cartron, Cartonavreakye 1 cartron, Corrygynnae 1 cartron, Kiltaferye 3 cartrons, Cornakarty I cartron, Clonbrenye 1 cartron, Cartanadromac-ballyvahane, 4 cartrons, Ballybrannagan 1} cartron, Ballymulvye 1} cartron, Clonkyne 1 cartron, & Clonarde 1 cartron.-Their is, in said parcell of the said territorie, free land & certain church land, viz. Tyerlicken 2 cartrons, Killyvihan 1 cartron, Cartonmartege 1 cartron, Clog-Thomasbrowne i cartron, Kildachamoge i cartron, & church lande belonginge to the said Kildachamoge.—The barony of Shroulle contayneth theis severall territories, viz. parte of Moybrawne, parte of Clanconnor, & parte of Mountergalgan.The said parte of the territorie of Moybrawne contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Barry 8 cartrons, Doorye 2 cartrons, Correbane 2 cartrons, Listibbott 2 cartrons, Agharenagh 1 cartron, Tenemeranaghe 1 cartron, Corropobalagheightraghe | cartron, Corropobalaghoghteraghe cartron, Kellynegarocan 3 cartrons, Cartronfyne I cartron, Tenelike 3 cartrons, Massereogh 1 cartron, Killinboure 4 cartrons, Cloghtanbeddye al' Belakipe I cartron, Lysmacmorrogh 1 cartron, Rath and "Ballyclinshenes 1 cartron, "Clonyn 1 cartron, Cornemucklaghe 1 cartron, Pallismore 2 cartrons, both the Ballyvicknemase 2 cartrons, Kildordan 1 cartron, Bartinebege 1 cartron, & Indrominge 2 cartrons-There is a parcell of lande, within the said parte of the said territorie, which is chargeable to the payments of the said rent granted to Maulbye, and not to the rent of Granarde, viz. Dromtaghfennye 4 cartrons.--The said territorie contayneth theis free lands, viz. Pallislibege 1 cartron, Rath and Ballyclinsheannes 1 cartron, Cloghembeddye 1 cartron, & Kilculline į cartron.-The said territorie contayneth certaine abbaye lands, viz. the abbay of Shrowle 20 cartrons. The parcell of Clancranagh contayneth these severall lands, viz. Newcastle 1 cartron, Crioghduffe 1 cartron, Ballycore and Largae 2 cartrons, Forguy 44 cartrons, Clonecalla 2 cartrons, Cryvaghmore 2 cartrons, Keele 4 cartrons, Crivaghbege 3 cartrons, Rathbege 1 cartron, & Derry 2 cartrons. The parcell of Mountergalgan contayneth theis severall lands, chargeable to the payment of both rents as aforesaid, viz. Caltraghmanus 1 cartron, Gurtinglase 1 cartron, Tyrenane 1 cartron, Tenelaghe 2 cartrons, Cartrọnmacrorye 1 cartron, Lyscormicke 1 cartron, Laggankippinaghe 1 cartron, Aghnehornye I cartron, Laghennye 1 cartron, Ballymacshan 2 cartrons, Skriboge 4 cartrons, Carrigboye 2 cartrons, Carne 4 cartrons, Ardvarne 2 cartrons, Agherenaghe 4 cartrons, Tenny


Historical Notation

The castellany (officium castellanie) carried with it the guardianship of a castle and the command of its garrison.

Castellan 1) Governor of a castle. 2) A captain of a castle. For example, a Catalan castellan commanded/held a castle of second rank.








