Baron Longford Baron Annaly - Feudal Barons

Lonford Barony EagleCrossCrownHammer  Branden Irish_norse-CoinBlondelCrestMeath Normandy  LongfordSealHeader




LONGFORD (County.)

ABBEY SHRULE, near the river Inny, founded by O'Farrell, for Cistercian Monks; granted, 11 Elizabeth, to Robert Dillon, with the appurtenances, twenty-four cottages, in the town of Vore; one hundred and eighty acres of land near it; eighty acres of pasture and underwood, near said town also; one messuage, four cottages in Cranaghe; sixty acres near said town; two messuages and four cottages in Ballynamanoghe sixty-four acres near the same, for the yearly rent £10 148. 4d., now worth £214'68. 8d

At ARDAGH near Longford. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick.

At BALLYNASAGGARD A Franciscan Friary, built by the O'Farrells.

At CLONEBRONE near Granard. A Nunnery, found. ed by St. Patrick, for the two Emerias of St. Guasach, Abbot of Lerha. This great asylun, of virgins stood antil the year 1107, and, of course, until the general dissolution of Abbeys.

At DEIRA or ABBEY DEIRG. A Priory, founded is the time of Joan, by Gormgall O'Quin; value at the suppression £2 yearly, now worth £40; granted to Nicholas Aylmer.

At INCHMORE or Innismore or INCHMORY, or Great ISLAND. A Monastery, founded, by St. Columb, about the year 450, where St Boadon, of Inismore, died, on the 14th January. In the year 1414 died Edward M'Finbair, Prior.

At INISBOFFIN an Island in Lough Rie. An Abbey founded by St. Risch, son of St. Dorerca, sister of St. Patrick.

At INiSCLOTHRANN an Island in the same Lough. An Abbey, founded, in the year 540, by St. Dhearmuid Naoimb or St. Jerome the Just, and brother to Felis, Bishop of Kilmore, who wrote a learned and pious work, in the nature of a Psalter. On the 17th December, 1160, died Gilla, or Nehemias O'Dunin, professor and celebrated scholar, poet and historian.

At Island or All Saints, in Lough Ree. A noble Monastery, built in the year 544, by St. Kieran. In four years afterwards he procured a very large endowmeni for the support of its poor; and having appointed Si. Domnan his successor, he quitted this Island, and built the Abbey of Clonmacnoise.

At KILGLASS A Nunnery, where St. Echea, sister of Mell, was Abbess

At KILINMORE An Abbey, founded by St. Palladius, who lived in the year 450; now the Protestant place of worship.

Abbey At Lera near Granard. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Guasacht, the son of his old inas ter; another Monastery, founded in the year 1205, by Lord Richard Tuit, who was killed in Athlone, in the year 1211, by the falling of a tower, and was buried pere. The possessions, at the surrender, valued a £8 138. 4d. yearly, now worth £173 6s. 8d.

At LONGFORD. An Abbey, founded by St. Idwa. •

disciple of St. Patrick, whose feast falls on the 14th July. In 1400 a fine Monastery was founded by O'Farrell, for the Dominicans; granted, together with possessions, in the year 1615, by King James I., to Francis, Víscount Valentia. The church of this Prio. ry is now the Protestant place of worship in the parish.

Abbey Moydow, three miles from Ardagh. St. Modan, whose feast falls on the 12th February, was Abbot, in 591.

At St. John' There was a Grey Friary near this town, which had, of course, been ingulfed i the general vortex of the Reformation.



Abbey of Ardagh founded by St. Patrick, or by St. Mel, in the fifth century.

Priory of Inismore or Inishmore in Lough Gaun, founded by St. Columb, in the same century.

Abbey of Inisbofin in Lough Ree, founded by St. Rioch, in the same century.

Iniscloghran, in Lough Ree, an Abbey, founded by St. Dermod, in the same centary.

All Saints Island Abbey - Priory of Inisaingin, in the Island of All Saints, in Longh Ree, founded by St. Kiaran, of Cluan-mac-nois, A, D. 544.

Kilmodain, an Abbey, supposed to have been founded by Modan, its first Abbot, in the sixth century.

At Derg, the Priory of St. Peter, founded by Gormgall OʻQuin, in the thirteenth century.

Granard Abbey

St. Brigids of Longford







